Updated packages in release 9.2:
Xaw3d-1.6.3, apr-1.6.5,
apr-util-1.6.1, aspell-0.60.8,
at-spi2-atk-2.26.3, at-spi2-core-2.26.3,
atk-2.28.1, autoconf-2.71, automake-1.10.3,
automake-1.15.1, automake-1.16.5, bash-4.4,
bash-5.0, bc-1.07.1, bison-3.4.2,
c-ares-1.15.0, cairo-1.16.0, coreutils-8.31,
cpio-2.13, curl-7.66.0, cyrus-sasl-2.1.27,
db-4.8.30, dbus-1.12.16, diffutils-3.6,
expat-2.2.9, fcpackage-2.12.6, findutils-4.6.0,
flex-2.6.4, freetype-2.8.1, gawk-4.2.1,
gcc-4.6.4, gcc-4.7.4, gcc-4.8.5,
gcc-4.9.4, gcc-5.5.0, gcc-6.5.0,
gcc-7.5.0, gcc-8.5.0, gcc-9.5.0,
gcc-10.4.0, gcc-11.3.0, gcc-12.3.0,
gcc-13.1.0, gd-2.2.5, gdk-pixbuf-2.36.12,
gdbm-1.18.1, gettext-, glib-2.56.4,
gmp-5.1.3, gmp-6.1.2, gnupg-1.4.23,
gnupg-2.2.23, gnutls-3.6.15, gnutls-3.7.9,
gobject-introspection-1.54.1, gpgme-1.13.1,
graphite2-1.3.14, graphviz-2.40.1, grep-3.3,
groff-1.22.3, gtk+-2.24.32, gzip-1.9,
harfbuzz-1.7.7, jasper-2.0.14, lasi-1.1.3,
lcms-2.9, less-551, libassuan-2.5.3,
libedit-3.1, libffi-3.2.1, libgcrypt-1.8.5,
libgpg-error-1.36, libiconv-1.15, libidn-1.33,
libidn2-2.2.0, libksba-1.4.0, libogg-1.3.4,
libpcap-1.9.1, libpng-1.6.35, libssh2-1.9.0,
libtasn1-4.13, libunistring-0.9.10,
libvorbis-1.3.6, libxml-2.9.10, libxslt-1.1.34,
lmdb-0.9.24, logrotate-3.17.0, lsof-4.93.2,
lua-5.2.4, lua-5.3.5, lxml-4.4.2,
lzo-2.10, m4-1.4.18, mpc-1.0.3, mpc-1.1.0,
more-itertools-5.0.0, more-itertools-8.0.0,
mpfr-3.1.6, mpfr-4.0.2, ncurses-6.1,
nettle-3.4.1, nettle-3.7.3, nspr-4.24,
nss-3.49.1, nss-softokn-3.49.1, nss-util-3.49.1,
openjpeg-1.5.2, openjpeg-2.3.1, openldap-2.4.48,
openssh-8.6, openssh-8.8, openssl-1.0.2,
openssl-1.1.1, pango-1.42.4, patchutils-0.3.4,
pcre-8.42, pcre2-10.32, perl-5.28.2,
poppler-0.59.0, proftpd-1.3.7, pygments-2.5.2,
pyparsing-2.4.5, python-2.7.16, python-3.5.7,
python-3.6.9, python-3.7.4, python-3.8.2,
python-3.9.15, python-3.10.10, rcs-5.10.0,
readline-8.0, rsync-3.1.3, samba-4.15.6,
samba-4.16.10, samba-4.17.7, screen-4.8.0,
sed-4.4, setuptools-41.4.0, setuptools-65.5.1,
sharutils-4.15, sqlite-3.30.1, stunnel-5.57,
sudo-1.9.12, tar-1.32, tcl-8.5.19,
tcl-8.6.9, tcpdump-4.9.3, tcsh-6.22.02,
tiff-4.0.9, tk-8.5.19, tk-8.6.9,
twwdata-1.1, wget-1.20.3, vim-8.2,
vim-9.0, xdgdata-1.3, xdgutils-1.3,
xz-5.2.4, zlib-1.2.11
New packages in release 10.0:
atomicwrites-1.3.0, attrs-19.3.0,
backports-1.1, certifi-2019.9.11, cffi-1.13.2,
chardet-3.0.4, clamav-0.103.8, cloog-0.18.4,
colorama-0.4.4, coloredlogs-15.0, diffstat-1.63,
http-parser-2.9.3, humanfriendly-9.1, icu-56.1,
idna-2.8, importlib-metadata-1.1.0,
importlib-metadata-6.1.0, isl-0.14.1, isl-0.15,
isl-0.16.1, jansson-2.12, json-c-0.15,
libarchive-3.4.0, libb2-0.98.1,
libjpeg-turbo-1.5.3, libtextstyle-0.20.5,
libuv-1.23.0, llvm-12.0.1, lz4-1.9.2,
mariadb-connector-3.1.12, openscop-0.9.0,
p11-kit-0.23.20, packaging-19.2, packaging-21.3,
pip-20.2.3, pluggy-0.13.1, py-1.8.0,
pycparser-2.19, pytest-4.6.6, pytest-5.3.1,
rangehttpserver-1.2.0, recommonmark-0.6.0,
requests-2.25.1, scandir-1.10.0,
setuptools-scm-3.3.3, setuptools-scm-7.0.5,
simplegeneric-0.8.1, tomli-2.0.1, urllib3-1.25.8,
wcwidth-0.1.7, wheel-0.36.2, wheel-0.38.4,
z3-4.8.7, zipp-0.6.0
3rd-party modules installed with Perl 5.28.2:
Algorithm-Dependency-1.112, Algorithm-Diff-1.1903,
Alien-Build-1.92, Any-Moose-0.27,
Apache-Session-1.94, AppConfig-1.71,
App-CPAN-Changes-0.003, Archive-Tar-2.36,
Archive-Zip-1.68, Array-Compare-3.0.3,
Array-Unique-0.08, Attribute-Handlers-0.99,
Authen-SASL-2.16, bareword-filehandles-0.007,
B-COW-0.004, B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.24,
B-Hooks-OP-Check-0.22, B-Hooks-Parser-0.21,
bignum-0.51, Bit-Vector-7.4, B-Keywords-1.21,
boolean-0.46, Cache-Cache-1.08,
Cache-Simple-TimedExpiry-0.27, Calendar-Simple-1.21,
Canary-Stability-2013, Capture-Tiny-0.48,
Carp-1.50, Carp-Assert-0.21, Carp-Clan-6.08,
CGI-4.49, CGI-Session-4.48, CGI-Simple-1.25,
Chart-2.4.10, Class-Accessor-0.51,
Class-Accessor-Chained-0.01, Class-Accessor-Lite-0.08,
Class-C3-0.34, Class-C3-XS-0.15,
Class-Container-0.12, Class-Data-Inheritable-0.08,
Class-DBI-3.0.17, Class-ErrorHandler-0.04,
Class-Fields-0.204, Class-Inspector-1.36,
Class-ISA-0.36, Class-Load-0.25,
Class-Loader-2.03, Class-Load-XS-0.10,
Class-Method-Modifiers-2.13, Class-ReturnValue-0.55,
Class-Singleton-1.5, Class-Tiny-1.006,
Class-Trigger-0.15, Class-WhiteHole-0.04,
Clone-0.45, common-sense-3.75, Config-Tiny-2.24,
Convert-ASCII-Armour-1.4, Convert-ASN1-0.27,
Convert-Color-0.11, Convert-PEM-0.08, CPAN-2.28,
CPAN-Changes-0.400002, Cpanel-JSON-XS-4.19,
CPAN-Meta-2.150010, CPAN-Meta-Check-0.014,
CPAN-Meta-Requirements-2.140, CPAN-Meta-YAML-0.018,
Crypt-Blowfish-2.14, Crypt-CBC-2.33,
Crypt-Curve25519-0.06, Crypt-DES-2.07,
Crypt-DES_EDE3-0.01, Crypt-DH-0.07,
Crypt-DSA-1.17, Crypt-IDEA-1.10,
Crypt-OpenSSL-Bignum-0.09, Crypt-OpenSSL-Guess-0.11,
Crypt-OpenSSL-Random-0.15, Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA-0.31,
Crypt-Primes-0.50, Crypt-Random-1.52,
Crypt-RC4-2.02, Crypt-RSA-1.99,
Crypt-SSLeay-0.72, CryptX-0.068, CSS-Squish-0.10,
CSS-Tiny-1.20, Data-Buffer-0.04, Data-Dmp-0.240,
Data-Dump-1.23, Data-Dumper-2.173,
Data-ICal-0.24, Data-ModeMerge-0.35,
Data-OptList-0.110, Data-Perl-0.002011,
Data-Sah-0.908, Data-Sah-Coerce-0.049,
Data-Sah-Filter-0.008, Data-Sah-Normalize-0.050,
Data-Sah-Resolve-0.007, Data-ShowTable-4.6,
Data-Table-1.78, Data-UUID-1.226, Date-Calc-6.4,
Date-Manip-6.82, Date-Simple-3.03, DateTime-1.52,
DateTime-Format-Mail-0.403, DateTime-Format-W3CDTF-0.07,
DateTime-Locale-1.25, DateTime-TimeZone-2.39,
DBD-CSV-0.54, DBI-1.643,
DBIx-ContextualFetch-1.03, DBIx-SearchBuilder-1.67,
Devel-CheckLib-1.14, Devel-CoreStack-1.3,
Devel-Cover-1.36, Devel-Cycle-1.12,
Devel-Gladiator-0.08, Devel-GlobalDestruction-0.14,
Devel-OverloadInfo-0.005, Devel-ptkdb-1.1091,
Devel-StackTrace-2.04, Devel-StackTrace-AsHTML-0.15,
Devel-Symdump-2.18, Digest-BubbleBabble-0.02,
Digest-HMAC-1.03, Digest-MD2-2.04,
Digest-MD5-2.55, Digest-Nilsimsa-0.06,
Digest-Perl-MD5-1.9, Digest-SHA1-2.13,
Digest-SHA2-1.1.1, Digest-SHA-6.02,
Digest-SHA-PurePerl-6.02, DIME-Tools-0.04,
Dist-CheckConflicts-0.11, Email-Abstract-3.008,
Email-Address-1.912, Email-Address-XS-1.04,
Email-Date-Format-1.005, Email-MessageID-1.406,
Email-MIME-1.949, Email-MIME-ContentType-1.024,
Email-MIME-Encodings-1.315, Email-Send-2.201,
Email-Simple-2.216, Encode-3.06,
Encode-Locale-1.05, Error-0.17029,
Eval-Closure-0.14, Exception-Class-1.44,
Expect-1.35, Exporter-5.74,
Exporter-Tiny-1.002002, ExtUtils-CBuilder-0.280234,
ExtUtils-Command-1.18, ExtUtils-Config-0.008,
ExtUtils-Depends-0.8000, ExtUtils-Helpers-0.026,
ExtUtils-Install-2.14, ExtUtils-InstallPaths-0.012,
ExtUtils-MakeMaker-7.44, ExtUtils-Manifest-1.72,
ExtUtils-ParseXS-3.35, ExtUtils-PkgConfig-1.16,
ExtUtils-XSpp-0.18, FCGI-0.79, FFI-CheckLib-0.25,
File-chdir-0.1010, File-chmod-0.42,
File-Copy-Recursive-0.45, File-Find-Rule-0.34,
File-Flat-1.05, File-HomeDir-1.004,
File-Listing-6.04, File-Path-2.16,
File-pushd-1.016, File-Remote-1.17,
File-Remove-1.58, File-Scan-1.43,
File-ShareDir-1.116, File-ShareDir-Install-0.13,
File-ShareDir-Tarball-0.2.2, File-Slurp-9999.30,
File-Slurper-0.012, File-Slurp-Tiny-0.004,
Filesys-Notify-Simple-0.14, File-Tail-1.3,
File-Tail-App-0.4, File-Temp-0.2309,
File-Tempdir-0.02, File-Which-1.23, Filter-1.59,
Font-AFM-1.20, FreezeThaw-0.5001,
Getopt-Long-Descriptive-0.105, Graph-0.9704,
Hash-MultiValue-0.16, Heap-0.80,
Hook-LexWrap-0.26, HTML-DynamicTemplate-0.94,
HTML-FillInForm-2.21, HTML-Form-6.07,
HTML-Format-2.10, HTML-Formatter-2.16,
HTML-FormatText-WithLinks-0.15, HTML-Mason-1.59,
HTML-Parser-3.72, HTML-Quoted-0.04,
HTML-RewriteAttributes-0.05, HTML-Scrubber-0.19,
HTML-Table-2.08a, HTML-Tagset-3.20,
HTML-Template-2.97, HTML-Tree-5.07,
HTTP-Body-1.22, HTTP-Cookies-6.08,
HTTP-Daemon-6.12, HTTP-Date-6.05, HTTP-DAV-0.49,
HTTP-Message-6.24, HTTP-Negotiate-6.01,
HTTP-Server-Simple-0.52, HTTP-Server-Simple-Mason-0.14,
Ima-DBI-0.35, Image-ExifTool-12.00,
Image-Size-3.300, Importer-0.025,
Import-Into-1.002005, inc-latest-0.500,
indirect-0.39, IO-All-0.87,
IO-CaptureOutput-1.1105, IO-Compress-2.093,
IO-HTML-1.001, IO-Interactive-Tiny-0.2,
IO-SessionData-1.03, IO-Socket-INET6-2.72,
IO-Socket-IP-0.39, IO-Socket-SSL-2.068,
IO-String-1.08, IO-stringy-2.111, IO-Tty-1.14,
IO-Zlib-1.10, IPC-Cmd-1.04, IPC-Run-20200505.0,
IPC-Run3-0.048, IPC-ShareLite-0.17,
IPC-Signal-1.00, IPC-System-Options-0.337,
IPC-System-Simple-1.30, Jcode-2.07, JSON-4.02,
JSON-MaybeXS-1.004002, JSON-PP-4.04,
JSON-PP-Compat5006-1.09, JSON-PP-Compat5006-1.09,
JSON-XS-4.02, Language-Expr-0.29,
Lexical-SealRequireHints-0.010, lib-filter-0.27,
libnet-3.11, libwww-perl-6.45, libxml-perl-0.08,
Lingua-EN-Numbers-Ordinate-1.04, List-Compare-0.53,
List-MoreUtils-0.428, List-MoreUtils-XS-0.428,
List-UtilsBy-0.10, Locale-Maketext-1.29,
Locale-Maketext-Lexicon-1.00, Log-Any-1.708,
Log-Dispatch-2.69, Log-ger-0.037,
LWP-MediaTypes-6.04, LWP-Online-1.08,
LWP-Protocol-https-6.07, Mail-Audit-2.228,
Mail-Box-3.008, Mail-Box-Parser-C-3.009,
Mail-IMAPClient-3.42, Mail-Message-3.009,
Mail-POP3Client-2.19, MailTools-2.18,
Mail-Transport-3.004, Mail-Transport-Dbx-0.07,
Math-Base-Convert-0.11, Math-Bezier-0.01,
Math-BigInt-1.999818, Math-BigInt-FastCalc-0.5009,
Math-BigRat-0.2614, Math-Calc-Units-1.07,
Math-FixedPrecision-0.21, Math-Int64-0.54,
Math-Round-0.07, MCE-1.872, MIME-Base64-3.15,
MIME-Lite-3.031, MIME-tools-5.509,
MIME-Types-2.17, MLDBM-2.05, Mo-0.40,
Mock-Config-0.03, Module-Build-0.4229,
Module-Build-Tiny-0.039, Module-CoreList-5.20200603,
Module-Implementation-0.09, Module-Install-1.19,
Module-Install-ManifestSkip-0.24, Module-Load-0.34,
Module-Load-Conditional-0.70, Module-Manifest-Skip-0.23,
Module-Metadata-1.000037, Module-Package-0.30,
Module-Path-More-0.33, Module-Pluggable-5.2,
Module-Runtime-0.014, Module-Runtime-Conflicts-0.003,
Module-ScanDeps-1.27, Module-Signature-0.83,
Module-Versions-Report-1.06, Moo-2.004000,
Moose-2.2012, MooX-HandlesVia-0.001008,
MooX-late-0.100, MooX-Types-MooseLike-0.29,
Mozilla-CA-20200520, MRO-Compat-0.13,
multidimensional-0.014, namespace-autoclean-0.29,
namespace-clean-0.27, NetAddr-IP-4.079,
Net-CIDR-0.20, Net-Daemon-0.48,
Net-Daemon-SSL-1.0, Net-DNS-1.24, Net-HTTP-6.19,
Net-Ident-1.25, Net-IP-1.26, Net-Jabber-2.0,
Net-Server-2.009, Net-SFTP-0.12,
Net-SFTP-Foreign-1.90, Net-SSH-Perl-2.14,
Net-SSLeay-1.88, Net-Telnet-3.04, Net-XMPP-1.05,
Nodejs-Util-0.012, Number-Compare-0.03,
Object-Realize-Later-0.21, OLE-Storage_Lite-0.20,
Package-Constants-0.06, Package-DeprecationManager-0.17,
Package-Stash-0.38, Package-Stash-XS-0.29,
PadWalker-2.3, Parallel-Prefork-0.18,
Params-Check-0.38, Params-Util-1.07,
Params-Validate-1.26, Params-ValidationCompiler-0.30,
PAR-Dist-0.49, parent-0.238,
Parse-RecDescent-1.967015, Parse-Yapp-1.21,
PatchReader-0.9.6, Path-Class-0.37,
Path-FindDev-0.5.3, Path-IsDev-1.001003,
Path-Tiny-0.114, PathTools-3.75,
Perl-Critic-1.138, PerlIO-eol-0.17,
perl-ldap-0.66, Perl-OSType-1.010,
Perl-Tidy-20200110, PlRPC-0.2020,
Pod-Coverage-0.23, Pod-Escapes-1.07,
podlators-4.09, Pod-POM-2.01, Pod-Readme-1.2.3,
Pod-Simple-3.40, Pod-Spell-1.20, Pod-Tests-1.20,
PPI-1.270, PPI-HTML-1.08, PPIx-QuoteLike-0.011,
PPIx-Regexp-0.072, PPIx-Utilities-1.001000,
prefork-1.05, Probe-Perl-0.03,
Proc-Background-1.21, Proc-ChildError-0.04,
Proc-Daemon-0.23, Proc-ProcessTable-0.59,
Proc-Wait3-0.05, Quota-1.8.1, Readonly-2.05,
Regexp-Common-2017060201, Regexp-Common-net-CIDR-0.03,
Regexp-Grammars-1.057, Regexp-IPv6-0.03,
Regexp-Stringify-0.06, Return-Value-1.666005,
Role-Tiny-2.001004, RPC-XML-0.80, Sah-0.9.49,
Sah-Schemas-Examples-0.005, Sah-Schemas-Int-0.074,
Scalar-List-Utils-1.55, Scalar-Util-Numeric-PP-0.04,
Schedule-Cron-1.01, Scope-Guard-0.21,
Sereal-4.014, Sereal-Decoder-4.014,
Sereal-Encoder-4.014, Server-Starter-0.35,
Shell-0.73, Shell-Perl-0.004, Shell-Source-0.01,
Signal-Mask-0.008, SOAP-Lite-1.27, Socket6-0.29,
Sort-Naturally-1.03, Sort-Versions-1.62,
Specio-0.46, Spiffy-0.46,
Spreadsheet-WriteExcel-2.40, Spreadsheet-XLSX-0.15,
SQL-Statement-1.412, Storable-3.15,
strictures-2.000006, String-CRC32-1.8,
String-Ediff-0.09, String-Format-1.18,
String-ShellQuote-1.04, Sub-Delete-1.00002,
Sub-Exporter-0.987, Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001013,
Sub-HandlesVia-0.013, Sub-Identify-0.14,
Sub-Info-0.002, Sub-Install-0.928, Sub-Name-0.26,
Sub-Quote-2.006006, subroutines-0.001,
Sub-Uplevel-0.2800, SUPER-1.20190531,
Sys-Syslog-0.36, Task-Weaken-1.06,
Template-DBI-2.65, Template-Toolkit-3.008,
TermReadKey-2.38, Term-Table-0.015,
Test2-Plugin-NoWarnings-0.08, Test2-Suite-0.000130,
Test2-Tools-Explain-0.02, Test-Base-0.89,
Test-Class-0.50, Test-ClassAPI-1.07,
Test-CleanNamespaces-0.24, Test-CPAN-Meta-0.25,
Test-Deep-1.130, Test-Differences-0.67,
Test-EOL-2.00, Test-Exception-0.43,
Test-Fatal-0.014, Test-File-1.443,
Test-File-ShareDir-1.001002, Test-Fork-0.02,
Test-Harness-3.42, Test-Inline-2.213,
Test-Inter-1.09, Test-Kit-2.15,
Test-LongString-0.17, Test-Manifest-2.021,
Test-Memory-Cycle-1.06, Test-MemoryGrowth-0.04,
Test-MockModule-0.11, Test-MockObject-1.20200122,
Test-More-UTF8-0.05, Test-Needs-0.002006,
Test-NoTabs-2.02, Test-NoWarnings-1.04,
Test-Number-Delta-1.06, Test-Object-0.08,
Test-Output-1.031, Test-Perl-Critic-1.04,
Test-Pod-1.52, Test-Pod-Coverage-1.10,
Test-Requires-0.11, Test-RequiresInternet-0.05,
Test-Script-1.26, Test-SharedFork-0.35,
Test-Simple-1.302175, Test-SubCalls-1.10,
Test-TCP-2.22, Test-Tester-0.108, Test-utf8-1.01,
Test-Warn-0.36, Test-Warnings-0.030,
Test-Without-Module-0.20, Test-YAML-1.07,
Text-Autoformat-1.75, Text-CSV-2.00,
Text-CSV_XS-1.43, Text-Diff-1.45, Text-Glob-0.11,
Text-Password-Pronounceable-0.30, Text-Quoted-2.10,
Text-Reform-1.20, Text-Soundex-3.05,
Text-sprintfn-0.090, Text-Template-1.58,
Text-vFile-asData-0.08, Text-WikiFormat-0.81,
Text-Wrapper-1.05, Text-Wrapper-1.05,
Tie-EncryptedHash-1.24, Tie-IxHash-1.23,
TimeDate-2.33, Time-Duration-Parse-AsHash-0.10.6,
Time-Local-1.30, Time-ParseDate-2015.103,
Tk-804.035, Tk-FileDialog-1.3,
Tree-DAG_Node-1.31, Tree-Simple-1.33,
Try-Tiny-0.30, Types-Serialiser-1.0,
Type-Tiny-1.010002, Unicode-Map8-0.13,
Unicode-String-2.10, UNIVERSAL-can-1.20140328,
UNIVERSAL-isa-1.20171012, UNIVERSAL-moniker-0.08,
UNIVERSAL-require-0.18, Unix-Syslog-1.1,
URI-1.76, User-Identity-0.99, UUID-Tiny-1.04,
Variable-Magic-0.62, version-0.9924, Want-0.29,
WWW-Mechanize-2.00, WWW-RobotRules-6.02,
X11-GUITest-0.28, X11-Protocol-0.56,
XML-Catalog-1.03, XML-Checker-0.13, XML-DOM-1.46,
XML-Filter-BufferText-1.01, XML-NamespaceSupport-1.12,
XML-NodeFilter-0.01, XML-Parser-2.46,
XML-Parser-Lite-0.722, XML-RegExp-0.04,
XML-RSS-1.61, XML-SAX-1.02, XML-SAX-Base-1.09,
XML-SAX-Expat-0.51, XML-SAX-Writer-0.57,
XML-Simple-2.25, XML-SimpleObject-0.53,
XML-Stream-1.24, XML-TreeBuilder-5.4,
XML-Twig-3.52, XML-Validator-Schema-1.10,
XML-Writer-0.625, XML-XPath-1.44, XSLoader-0.24,
XString-0.002, YAML-1.30, YAML-Syck-1.32,
3rd-party modules installed with Python 2.7.16:
Imaging-1.1.7, Numeric-24.2,
PyXML-0.8.4, egenix-mx-base-3.2.9,
numarray-1.5.2, python-dateutil-2.8.1,
python-fchksum-1.7.1, pytz-2020.1,
3rd-party modules installed with Python 3.5.7, 3.6.9,
3.7.4, 3.8.2, 3.9.15, 3.10.10:
python-dateutil-2.8.1, pytz-2020.1,
3rd-party modules installed with Tcl 8.5.19:
itcl-3.4, tcllib-1.19,
3rd-party modules installed with Tk 8.5.19:
BWidget-1.9.10, Tktable-2.10,
itk-3.4, iwidgets-4.1.1, tix-8.4.3,
3rd-party modules installed with Tcl 8.6.9:
itcl-4.1.1, tcllib-1.19,
3rd-party modules installed with Tk 8.5.19:
BWidget-1.9.10, Tktable-2.10,
itk-1.1.0, iwidgets-4.1.1, tix-8.4.3,
Special package notes
The following packages had security updates since the
9.2 release: aspell , bash ,
bind-server , bind-utils , bzip2 ,
cacti , cairo , cpio ,
cryptography , curl , cyrus-sasl ,
dhcp , exiv2 , expat ,
freetype , gc , gd ,
gdk-pixbuf , gettext ,
ghostscript , giflib , glib ,
gnupg , gnuplot , gnutls ,
GraphicsMagick , gtk+ , gzip ,
hdf5 , htmldoc , httpd ,
hunspell , irssi , jasper ,
jinja , lcms , libevent ,
libexif , libgcrypt , libpng ,
librsvg , libssh , libssh2 ,
libtasn1 , libwmf , libxml ,
libxslt , lxml , mod_jk ,
mutt , net-snmp , nettle ,
ntp , openjpeg , openldap ,
openpyxl , openssh , openssl ,
patch , php , pip ,
poppler , procmail , proftpd ,
pygments , python , qt ,
rdesktop , rsync , ruby ,
samba , sharutils , subversion ,
sudo , tar , tcpdump ,
tiff , unzip , vim ,
wget , wireshark , xpm ,
xz , yaml , zlib . Please upgrade
to the latest version of these packages.
The following new packages are available:
atomicwrites is a Python library for atomic file
attrs is the Python package that will bring back
the joy of writing classes by relieving you from the drudgery of
implementing object protocols (aka dunder methods). Its main goal is
to help you to write concise and correct software without slowing down
your code.
certifi is a Python package for providing Mozilla's
CA Bundle.
cffi is a library allowing foreign function
interface (FFI) for Python calling C code.
chardet is a Python character encoding
clamav is an open source anti-virus engine used in
a variety of situations including email scanning, web scanning, and
end point security. It provides a number of utilities including a
flexible and scalable multi-threaded daemon, a command line scanner
and an advanced tool for automatic database updates.
cloog is a software which generates loops for
scanning Z-polyhedra. That is, CLooG finds the code or pseudo-code
where each integral point of one or more parametrized polyhedron or
parametrized polyhedra union is reached. CLooG is designed to avoid
control overhead and to produce a very efficient code.
colorama is a cross-platform Python library for
colored terminal text.
coloredlogs is a Python library that enables
colored terminal output for the logging module.
diffstat is a simple filter that reads the output
of the 'diff' program, and produces a histogram of the total number of
lines that were changed.
http-parser is a parser for HTTP messages written
in C. It parses both requests and responses. The parser is designed to
be used in performance HTTP applications. It does not make any
syscalls nor allocations, it does not buffer data, it can be
interrupted at anytime.
humanfriendly is a Python library that can be used
to make text interfaces more user friendly.
icu is a mature, widely used set of C/C++ and Java
libraries providing Unicode and Globalization support for software
idna is a library to support the Internationalised
Domain Names in Applications (IDNA) protocol as specified in "RFC
importlib-metadata is a library to access the
metadata for a Python package.
isl is a thread-safe C library for manipulating
sets and relations of integer points bounded by affine
jansson is a C library for encoding, decoding and
manipulating JSON data.
json-c implements a reference counting object model
that allows you to easily construct JSON objects in C, output them as
JSON formatted strings and parse JSON formatted strings back into the
C representation of JSON objects.
libarchive library provides a flexible interface
for reading and writing archives in various formats such as tar and
libb2 is a C library providing BLAKE2b, BLAKE2s,
libjpeg-turbo is a JPEG image codec that uses SIMD
instructions (MMX, SSE2, NEON, AltiVec) to accelerate baseline JPEG
compression and decompression on x86, x86-64, ARM, and PowerPC
libtextstyle is a library that provides an easy way
to add styling to programs that produce output to a console or
terminal emulator window.
libuv is a multi-platform support library with a
focus on asynchronous I/O.
llvm is a collection of modular and reusable
compiler and toolchain technologies.
lz4 is lossless compression algorithm, scalable
with multi-cores CPU.
mariadb-connector is a LGPL MariaDB client library
that can be used to connect to MySQL or MariaDB. In previous releases,
this functionality was provided by the libruntime component of the
mysql package.
openscop is an open specification defining a file
format and a set of data structures to represent a static control part
(SCoP for short), i.e., a program part that can be represented in the
polyhedral model.
p11-kit provides a way to load and enumerate PKCS#11
modules and a standard configuration setup for installing PKCS#11
modules in such a way that they're discoverable.
packaging is a Python library that includes the
following: version handling, specifiers, markers, requirements, tags,
pip is the package installer for Python. You can
use pip to install packages from the Python Package Index and other
pluggy is a minimalist production ready plugin
py is a Python development support library
featuring the following tools and modules:
py.path: uniform local and svn path
py.apipkg: explicit API control and
py.iniconfig: easy parsing of .ini files
py.code: dynamic code generation and
pycparser is a complete parser of the C language,
written in pure Python using the PLY parsing library.
pytest is a mature full-featured Python testing
tool that helps you write better programs.
rangehttpserver is a SimpleHTTPServer with support
for Range requests.
recommonmark is a docutils-compatibility bridge to
CommonMark. This allows you to write CommonMark inside of Docutils and
Sphinx projects.
requests is a simple, yet elegant, HTTP library.
Requests allows you to send HTTP/1.1 requests extremely easily.
There's no need to manually add query strings to your URLs, or to
form-encode your PUT and POST data.
scandir is a directory iteration function like
os.listdir(), except that instead of returning a list of bare
filenames, it yields DirEntry objects that include file type and stat
information along with the name.
setuptools-scm handles managing your Python package
versions in SCM metadata instead of declaring them as the version
argument or in a SCM managed file.
simplegeneric lets you define simple
single-dispatch generic functions, akin to Python's built-in generic
functions like "len()", "iter()" and so on. However, instead of using
specially-named methods, these generic functions use simple lookup
tables, akin to those used by e.g. "pickle.dump()" and other generic
functions found in the Python standard library.
tomli is a small TOML parser.
urllib3 is a powerful, sanity-friendly HTTP client
for Python.
wcwidth is mainly for those implementing a Terminal
Emulator, or programs that carefully produce output to be interpreted
by one.
wheel is the reference implementation of the Python
wheel packaging standard, as defined in PEP 427.
z3 is a theorem prover from Microsoft Research.
zipp is a pathlib-compatible Zipfile object
wrapper, a backport of the Path object.
AIX startup scripts
In previous releases, the old SystemV init scripts under
/etc/rc.d/rc2.d were used to start daemons rather than
the native System Resource Controller (SRC). Beginning with this
release, all daemons are installed as a subsystem and started with
startsrc and stopped with stopsrc . For some
packages like OpenSSH, where more is required out of the startup
scripts than just starting the daemon (e.g. creating SSH host keys), a
SystemV init script is also installed to perform these steps and then
invoke the required daemons with startsrc and stop them
with stopsrc .
Perl 5.28.2 module search path
Perl has been updated to read a directory of configuration
files in
/opt/TWWfsw/twwdata11/etc/perl528/include.paths.d and
/opt/TWWfsw/perl528/etc/include.paths.d containing a list of module
search paths. The module search path is augmented by prepending the
paths to the default Perl search path. In taint mode, usage of this
file is disabled.
The default search path is:
$ /opt/TWWfsw/perl528/bin/perl -V
To prepend additional site-specific paths to this list,
update /opt/TWWfsw/twwdata11/etc/perl528/include.paths.d
with the list of additional paths to search:
$ ls /opt/TWWfsw/twwdata11/etc/perl528/include.paths.d
$ cat /opt/TWWfsw/twwdata11/etc/perl528/include.paths.d/01-modules
$ cat /opt/TWWfsw/twwdata11/etc/perl528/include.paths.d/02-modules
$ /opt/TWWfsw/perl528/bin/perl -V
Python 2.7.16 module search path
Python 2.7 has been updated to read a directory of
configuration files in
/opt/TWWfsw/twwdata11/etc/python27/include.paths.d and
/opt/TWWfsw/python27/etc/include.paths.d containing a
list of module search paths. The module search path is augmented by
prepending the paths to the default Python search path.
The default search path is:
$ /opt/TWWfsw/python27/bin/python
>>> import sys
>>> for p in sys.path:
>>> print p
To prepend additional site-specific paths to this list,
update /opt/TWWfsw/twwdata11/etc/python27/include.paths.d
with the list of additional paths to search:
$ ls /opt/TWWfsw/twwdata11/etc/python27/include.paths.d
99-TWWcertifi2019 99-TWWcurl766
$ cat /opt/TWWfsw/twwdata11/etc/python27/include.paths.d/99-TWWcertifi2019
$ cat /opt/TWWfsw/twwdata11/etc/python27/include.paths.d/99-TWWcurl766
$ /opt/TWWfsw/python27/bin/python
>>> import sys
>>> for p in sys.path:
>>> print p
Python 3.8.2 module search path
Python 3.8 has been updated to read a directory of
configuration files in
/opt/TWWfsw/twwdata11/etc/python38/include.paths.d and
/opt/TWWfsw/python38/etc/include.paths.d containing a
list of module search paths. The module search path is augmented by
prepending the paths to the default Python search path.
The default search path is:
$ /opt/TWWfsw/python38/bin/python3
>>> import sys
>>> for p in sys.path:
>>> print p
To prepend additional site-specific paths to this list,
update /opt/TWWfsw/twwdata11/etc/python38/include.paths.d
with the list of additional paths to search:
$ ls /opt/TWWfsw/twwdata11/etc/python38/include.paths.d
99-TWWcertifi2019 99-TWWcurl766
$ cat /opt/TWWfsw/twwdata11/etc/python38/include.paths.d/99-TWWcertifi2019
$ cat /opt/TWWfsw/twwdata11/etc/python38/include.paths.d/99-TWWcurl766
$ /opt/TWWfsw/python38/bin/python3
>>> import sys
>>> for p in sys.path:
>>> print p
Python 3.x module search path
The Python 3.8.2 module search path documented above works
similarly for all versions of Python 3.x.
Tcl 8.5.19 module search path
Tcl 8.5 has been updated to read a directory of
configuration files in
/opt/TWWfsw/tcl85/etc/include.paths.d and
containing a list of module search paths. The module search path is
augmented by prepending the paths to the default Tcl search path.
The default search path is:
$ /opt/TWWfsw/tcl85/bin/tclsh8.5
% foreach path $auto_path { echo $path }
To prepend additional site-specific paths to this list,
update /opt/TWWfsw/twwdata11/etc/tcl85/include.paths.d
with the list of additional paths to search:
$ ls /opt/TWWfsw/tcl85/etc/include.paths.d
99-Tktable 99-itcl 99-iwidgets 99-tclx 99-tk
99-bwidget 99-itk 99-tcllib 99-tix
$ ls /opt/TWWfsw/twwdata11/etc/tcl85/include.paths.d
99-TWWcurl766 99-TWWlibsqlite330
$ /opt/TWWfsw/tcl85/bin/tclsh8.5
% foreach path $auto_path { echo $path }
Tcl 8.6.9 module search path
Tcl 8.6 has been updated to read a directory of
configuration files in
/opt/TWWfsw/tcl86/etc/include.paths.d and
containing a list of module search paths. The module search path is
augmented by prepending the paths to the default Tcl search path.
The default search path is:
$ /opt/TWWfsw/tcl86/bin/tclsh8.6
% foreach path $auto_path { echo $path }
To prepend additional site-specific paths to this list,
update /opt/TWWfsw/twwdata11/etc/tcl86/include.paths.d
with the list of additional paths to search:
$ ls /opt/TWWfsw/tcl86/etc/include.paths.d
99-Tktable 99-itcl 99-iwidgets 99-tclx 99-tk
99-bwidget 99-itk 99-tcllib 99-tix
$ ls /opt/TWWfsw/twwdata11/etc/tcl86/include.paths.d
99-TWWcurl766 99-TWWlibsqlite330
$ /opt/TWWfsw/tcl86/bin/tclsh8.6
% foreach path $auto_path { echo $path }
Updates to pkgutils
The following important changes were made to
Add support for AIX 7.2
Add support for RHEL 9